Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

HydroCen is the Norwegian Research Centre for Hydropower Technology.

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is the host institution and the main research partner together with SINTEF Energy Research and the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA).

The main objective is to enable the Norwegian hydropower sector to meet complex challenges and exploit new opportunities through innovative technological solutions.

The research area include:

Hydropower structures

HydroCen is developing new technology for hydropower constructions. The activities will include all building elements in a power plant: Dam, intake, tunnel system power station, hydropower system and outlets from the waterways.

Turbine and generators

A paradigm shift in design and operation of the power plants is possible by introducing power electronic converters. Reversible pump-turbines will operate smoothly, ramping rates will be faster, efficiency will be higher and the operating range of Francis turbines will be wider when introducing variable speed turbines and generators.

Market and services

Future value of hydropower production and correct investments are very much dependent on the future market prices of the different services that hydropower can provide. Information about prices of the different services that hydropower can provide. Information about prices, market designs and price structures for the future power market are therefore important input information to be able solve the main goal of this work package.

Environmental design

Water resource are important for several socio-economic benefits in addition to production of climate-neutral energy. This comprises flood protection and control, security of supply and balancing services. In addition, essential ecosystem services such as irrigation, drinking water, biodiversity and recreation are stakeholders in water management- and usage. 

HydroCen is a Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME). The FME scheme is established by the Norwegian Research Council.

The objective of the Research Council of Norway FME-scheme is to establish time-limited research centres, which conduct concentrated, focused and long-term research of high international calibre in order to solve specific challenges in the field.

The FME-centres can be established for a maximum period of eight years (an initial five-year period with the possibility of a three-year extension). HydroCen was established in 2016.



Sediment handling:

Hydropower structures:

Turbine and generators:

Market and services:

Environmental design:

See more:   Universities