HyMoCARES - HydroMorphological assessment and management at basin scale for the Conservation of Alpine Rivers and related Ecosystem Services

HyMoCARES - HydroMorphological assessment and management at basin scale for the Conservation of Alpine Rivers and related Ecosystem Services

Research institutes: BOKU Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research

River corridors represent one of the most used and modified landscape elements in the Alps. They provide key ecosystem services, but currently many of them are at risk or significantly degraded. The project will develop a conceptual framework, and operational tools, comprising novel methods, to integrate ecosystem services in Alpine river basin planning and management, with a special focus on factors affecting river hydromorphology – including sediment continuity – while ensuring integration of local and basin scales. The project will identify actual planning, management, operational activities, where the proposed approach can be applied, and will collaborate directly with relevant actors, both public and private, in order to ensure proper transfer of project outputs, and thus a tangible real-scale impact. This project is co-financed (total funding: € 2,103,433.37) by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme.

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