Global Study on Sediment Management
Research institute: BOKU Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research
The overall project aim is to improve the practitioners’ understanding of problems related to sedimentation and to support effective and sustainable sediment management in storage reservoirs and Run-of-River hydropower plants, in cooperation with the existing activities of international organizations.
The project will view dam development, sedimentation and sediment management in the broader context of integrated watershed management, including engineering, economics, environmental and social impacts, and consider development in the broader context of fluvial geomorphology; holistically emphasizing the benefits and impacts of dams both up- and downstream of these facilities.
This is to be done by developing a technical toolkit and design guidelines and conducting a sediment management study for an existing reservoir in the Philippines. These tasks are conducted cooperatively with World Bank experts, funded by the Austrian government through the World Bank’s newly established ESMAP Hydropower Development Facility.